• "Sometimes you may not see yourself as others do because you're always self-critical and tend to focus on the things you don't like about yourself.

    But when you see a comparison over time, then you realize you've done what was right."

  • "I've learned to perform exercises mindfully rather than just checking them off a list. I appreciate the variety of workouts and how Robert organizes them."

  • "It's a wonderful feeling to feel strong and especially to notice changes in your body."

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Robert Dobai

Head Coach

Since I decided to use technology to my professional advantage, I have discovered ways to deliver valuable results to my clients in ways I never thought possible.

The Lionscage 40 and Lionscage 60 training programs are based on a functional training structure (similar to CrossFit workouts), which I have studied in detail both on myself and on the over 500 people from all categories whom I have trained in my 12 years of activity.

Both programs include community workouts, adaptable to any fitness level, with progressions and regressions for each exercise, all available in a mobile app with premium functionalities to offer members the most pleasant training experience.

Through the Online Coaching and On-site Coaching programs (gym, seminars, training camps), I help people understand the functional training system, approach tactics, execution technique, nutrition suitable for personal goals, and overcome the limiting beliefs that keep them from progressing.

In this process, people realize the importance of belonging to a community with similar principles and habits. Distractions are everywhere, quick methods are promoted to exploit their weaknesses and naivety, medications, supplements, and miraculous solutions appear every day, but we all know the truth.

The only problem is that the truth involves work through introspection, acceptance, physical effort, mental effort, and consistency.

All of this is much easier to go through when you have someone by your side who has gone through it and who is fighting the same adversities at the same time.

There are several methods through which we can collaborate to reach your goal as quickly as possible and learn how to maintain it:

1. Online Coaching 1 on 1

We work exactly on your needs.

We set goals together, implement personalized strategies, evaluate results, and recalibrate where needed.

For details and enrollment, complete the form below or send me an email at contact@robertdobai.com with the text “Coaching 1 on 1”, and I will contact you within 24 hours.

2. Online Group Coaching “Lionscage Fast Track”

We work in mastermind groups of 5-10 people. This is the type of program I prefer to enroll in when I consult a coach.

Being a competitive person, I prefer to see other people around me striving in the same direction, to meet people with the same values and at approximately the same level, with whom friendships and long-term collaborations usually form.

The price for the Fast Track program is:

  • 225 euros for 2 months (112.5 euros/month VAT included)

  • 475 euros for 6 months (79 euros/month VAT included)

  • 675 euros for 12 months (56 euros/month VAT included)

The Lionscage 60 training program, valued at 29 euros/month, is included in any package.

For details and enrollment, complete the form below or send me an email at contact@robertdobai.com with the text “Fast Track”, and I will contact you within 24 hours.

3. In-person Training

My gym coaching activity takes place in Timișoara, Calea Torontalului no. 53, at Fit4Life Gym.

The price for small group coaching (2-5 persons) is 200 euros/month with unlimited sessions (VAT included) or 25 euros/session.

The Lionscage 60 training program, valued at 29 euros/month, is included in the price, as we will work on its structure, adapting the workouts to your fitness level and according to your goal.

For details and enrollment, complete the form below or send me an email at contact@robertdobai.com with the text “Gym”, and I will contact you within 24 hours.

Contact form

  • “Coach, as I like to call Robert, has shown maturity and seriousness when it comes to training. From my very first sessions with Robert, he paid attention to details and corrected me every time, helping me become a better version of myself every day.”

  • “This is how he made me fall in love with CrossFit and at the same time appreciate him as someone who has opened new horizons for me regarding the art of exercising in a healthy and safe manner.”

  • “I recommend Coach Robert wholeheartedly and with full support, as he is one of the best coaches I have encountered in the CrossFit community.”

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  • "We all have that moment in life when we realize we’ve reached our limit. Mine was when the scale read 97+. That’s when I said, "something has to change"!

    I had known Robert Dobai for a few years, since he had his own gym. You could tell he had a passion for what he was doing. That’s why I chose him to be my coach. When I saw his post about the launch of his new workout app, I signed up immediately. From the start, the interaction was different; we scheduled an online video call where we discussed what we want and what our expectations are. This was a big plus for me! Having had a previous experience with an online coach where every interaction was a written conversation or a voice message on WhatsApp, the difference was significant. "

  • "We started a 50/50 collaboration (half the time at the gym, half online at home). It was great! Although it was hard at first, he constantly encouraged me. I especially remember one of our sessions at the gym (I admit it wasn’t one of my good days), we were doing deadlifts, and I didn’t have the correct form. Even though time was limited, he spent almost half of it ensuring I did the exercise correctly and learned the movement. It doesn’t matter what type of sport you practice; doing it correctly is the most important thing, making sure you don’t injure yourself while doing it. I don’t know about you, but for me, this is proof of his commitment to our well-being. First, form and quality, then quantity! I greatly appreciated the amount of attention given to each exercise, to prevent injury, do it better, not give up, and give your best!"

  • "He is very respectful and explains everything in great detail (the why and the how, things you usually don’t hear from other coaches). Even if you start from zero, he won’t make you feel disrespected or ashamed that you can’t do something. Everyone has to start somewhere, and he is there to teach and guide you to become a better version of yourself. I really don’t know what more you could want from your coach! Thank you, Robert, for all the help and guidance!


    Iulia Olah"

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  • "At first, I was quite unsure about online fitness training, but Robert has a unique way of making you feel that it's okay to feel scared when taking the first steps towards a better understanding of exercise and how to adopt healthier eating habits. Moreover, he instills in you the same confidence he has that you will achieve wonders without doing too much - his optimism is infectious."

  • "His patience and understanding were truly remarkable as he made time almost daily to check on my progress with workouts, diet, and mood. He played a crucial role in helping me overcome the fear of getting injured again. Thanks to his well-designed exercises, not only did I overcome the fear, but I also experienced a significant improvement in my overall well-being. I am delighted to share that, thanks to his efforts, I no longer suffer from back pain. I greatly appreciate his dedication and competence in making my fitness journey a success and especially pain-free."

  • "When we had our weekly meetings, he had a pleasant way of highlighting my improvements even if I couldn't see them in the pictures I took weekly, because usually we are the most critical of ourselves. But he was also honest and would push me if I wasn't trying my best at exercises and pushing past my own barriers, for which I am grateful. Even now, after the 90 days have passed, he continues to ask me from time to time how I'm doing in reaching my long-term fitness goals. I can say that in the end, I gained an excellent coach and a reliable supporter."

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